Performance Art Project
- For this project, I have decided to group with Steph and Erik to create our own version of performance art. In this project, we were originally going to go around campus and film people's reactions to us blowing whistles. Our first day of recording, we realized this idea wouldn't work. People's reactions were not up to par and we were not excited about this project. We then decided to switch our project to giving random people balloons around campus. This project was successful because people were either surprised or confused that we were randomly handing them balloons. The technology of this project was the balloon.
- Below is a video of our experience and other people's reactions.
Three favorite performance artists:
1. John Cage
2. Lady Gaga
3. Léon Theramin
What do they have in common?
All of these performance artists are famous for their musical work. León Theramin created the instrument Theramin, Lady Gaga is a famous singer/performer, and John Cage was a American composer and theorist. Although they are known for their work at different time periods, they all have made a significant impact in the music world.
How are they related?
They are all related because they are famous for their music pieces and their influence.
Is technology an essential component in their work?
I believe music is technology, so yes. Léon Theramin has had the greatest impact amongst the other two artist because his instrument made noise through the simple wave of his hand. Lady Gaga's technology is her voice. John Cage's technology were the intense music pieces he created.
What is to be done?
I think the performance art world will always be changing. Change will allow progress to be made. For example, since Thermarin created his instrument, technology has changed significantly. I believe that Performance Art will continue to incorporate other forms of technology overtime. Technology has become a significant purpose in every human's lives. Also, artists, of all forms, have more of a voice than they have had ever before. They are now able to make a difference to not only art, but humankind.
What is to be done?
I think the performance art world will always be changing. Change will allow progress to be made. For example, since Thermarin created his instrument, technology has changed significantly. I believe that Performance Art will continue to incorporate other forms of technology overtime. Technology has become a significant purpose in every human's lives. Also, artists, of all forms, have more of a voice than they have had ever before. They are now able to make a difference to not only art, but humankind.
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